DEAD OR ALIVE 6 is a fast-paced 3D fighting game, produced by Koei Tecmo Games, featuring graphics and multi-tiered stages that create a truly entertaining competitive experience. The story follows the events of DEAD OR ALIVE 5, focusing on 2 separate main narratives; namely, the battle between “Ninja and DOATEC” versus “M. I.
S. T. lead by Donovan”, and the events that occur during the 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament.
New side story episodes will also be added for returning characters. Following the tradition, fights in DEAD OR ALIVE 6 XBOX ONE are based on a triangle system: strikes beat throws, throws beat holds, and holds beat strikes. Landing a well-timed attack of the type that beats your opponent’s attack, like landing a strike when an opponent tries to throw, will result in a Hi Counter attack and do more damage.
As good as fighting games get, with great mechanics, and visually a knockout. [Issue#225, p.68]
It should have a perfect start, yet the lacking of online functions, the disjointed story mode, and the unlock methods of new costumes affected it.
While the lack of a decent story mode disappoints us, the other modes such as arcade mode and DOA Quest will provide more than enough entertainment for a long while. Dead or Alive 6, for better or for worse, tries to do things a little differently in this its sixth installment, and it is definitely a game worth taking a look at.
A solid beat-em-up that improves slightly on the predecessors’ formula, but also shows some weird design choices.
Overall, DOA6 is a nice package. While the grind for the costumes is real, the quest modes is a great way to learn more about all the characters in the game, and while the online mode is sparse for now, the support for this game will come in due time. Aside from all of that, the most important thing is the fighting mechanics and DOA6 delivers in that aspect. This is a great fighting game for both beginners and advanced players. The ins and outs take some getting used to, but once you do, you feel the satisfaction of pulling off that amazing counter and finishing up with a devastating combo, and end the end, that’s all that matters. Fighting game fans will have a great time here.
An improvement over its predecessors, Dead or Alive 6 is an accomplished fighting game with some neat new tricks and cool cinematic touches up its sleeve. Also, boobs.
For what it is, Dead or Alive 6 offers an enjoyable experience for new players and veterans alike, but the full package currently fails to deliver in a lot of key areas.