DEAD OR ALIVE 6 is a fast-paced 3D fighting game, produced by Koei Tecmo Games, featuring graphics and multi-tiered stages that create a truly entertaining competitive experience. The story follows the events of DEAD OR ALIVE 5, focusing on 2 separate main narratives; namely, the battle between “Ninja and DOATEC” versus “M. I.
S. T. lead by Donovan”, and the events that occur during the 6th DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament.
New side story episodes will also be added for returning characters. Following the tradition, fights in DEAD OR ALIVE 6 PC are based on a triangle system: strikes beat throws, throws beat holds, and holds beat strikes. Landing a well-timed attack of the type that beats your opponent’s attack, like landing a strike when an opponent tries to throw, will result in a Hi Counter attack and do more damage.
The culmination of over two decades of refinement, resulting in fluid, accessible, and balanced combat mechanics. While the game’s lurid focus on flesh will divide opinion, it remains one of the most polished and fully-featured fighting games in recent years.
Dead or Alive 6 is a decent fighting game. Although the DLC pricing model is annoyingly expensive, the existing content is enough to make you ignore it and devote yourself to its high-quality gameplay. As soon as lobbies are added, it would be a very good thing for all the fighters out there.
It perhaps plays things a little safe, but mechanically Dead or Alive 6 is up there with the best fighting games currently available.
Dead or Alive 6 uses reliable mechanics while adding new twists to freshen up the gameplay. Combat is fluid, fun, and exciting, yet, overall, it's not without glaring flaws.
An easy to pick up fighting game whose creators know exactly what their audience wants. At the same time, it will hardly surprise long-time fans.
Dead or Alive 6, with its good character roster and some nice ideas, unfortunatly fails to bring what we expect from a 2019 versus fighting game: namely, it's technicaly outdated, the TAG battle is absent from the game and it has a disappointing story mode.
It looks better than its predecessor, but content-wise its rather stingy and the story needs work, dampening excitement for this title.