You are one of the world’s last Sentinels, a soldier named Avil equipped with the skills to battle the endless wave of Ravenii. Fight massive brutes and their minions across a sprawling countryside, defending cities and rescuing refugees torn from their homes.
Extinction suffers from bad narrative, unnecessary missions and lack of general variety, but its fluid and fun mechanics and fantastic sense of movement, added to great visuals, creates a laudable product that we feel able to recommend.
Extinction lands in that awkward position where, yeah, it’s usually fun - but you’re not really missing anything incredible by giving it a pass.
Extinction is full of wasted potential, and while some ideas and gameplay mechanics might be interesting at first, almost none of them are executed properly. Good visuals and some platforming fun are all that Extinction can offer.
Great art direction and smooth combat show a desire to do well. Although the overall lack of control and the redundant experience can't save Extinction.
Extinction is a poor action game with a too simple combat system, a deficient camera system, and a terrible and repetitive mission design.
Extinction might seem fun in the first few minutes, and the combat system might keep you around for a while. But what really frustrates, is the narrow scope of the game, where you do the same things over, and over, and over; killing trolls, killing trolls, and saving civilians and the city by killing trolls.
Extinction simply requires you to kill giants over and over again. Besides that, the game offers almost nothing.
November 7, 2018
Ark publishes the launch trailer of its upcoming DLC: Extinction. Watch video