In a world where robots have replaced all human jobs, step into the "Job Simulator" to learn what it was like 'to job'.
Genuinely amusing and one of the slickest VR experiences to date, Job Simulator is perfect for quick demos of your new headset, but has little long-term value beyond that.
Job Simulator is a little on the expensive side for a game that doesn't offer a great deal of long-term challenge, but it's a great purchase for those new to VR or who want a fun and funny game to use to introduce VR to their friends or family.
Whether you're flipping a fried egg or turning a dial, this is tactile and satisfying, if slight, entertainment. [Tested with Vive; June 2016, p.121]
Job Simulator lives up to its own ambitions, presenting a compact, cute, and accessible showcase for interacting with virtual locations. [Tested with Vive]
These robots have heart, but not depth. [Tested with HTC Vive; Issue#176, p.84]
The Vive floodgates opened up today: I’m hoping that, somewhere in the sprawl of new titles, I’ll find something that answers the lingering question: what kind of games am I going to play in VR in the longer term? The witty and inventive Job Simulator is an excellent shopfront display for Valve and HTC’s technology, but it is not by any means an answer to that question.
August 12, 2017
Euro Truck Simulator 2’s next DLC takes you on an Italian Job. Read more