Verdun is a squad based multiplayer first person shooter set in the first world war. Inspired by the infamous battle of Verdun XBOX ONE in 1916 players are able to take part in never seen before WWI action. Made by 3 indie developers from BlackMill and M2H.
Rampant server issues, poor performance, badly designed UI and a non-existent player base have crippled what should have been a really interesting change of pace for console shooters. Verdun may improve with time, but as it stands, is an absolute mess.
If you're itching to play Verdun, then the PC version is the only way to go. A healthy online community and good performance mean that there's always a game going on with people who know what they're supposed to be doing. On the Xbox One, that's not the case. Problematic presentation aside, there aren't enough people around to keep the games interesting, and the weapons unlock system doesn't seem to function correctly all the time. It may be the more realistic title when compared to Battlefield 1, but none of that matters when other factors make this a title that you should avoid unless you're willing to put in the time to learn the ins and outs of the system, provided the community sticks around.
Unfortunately, when all of the issues stack up—the snail's pace gameplay, the graveyard-quiet servers, the small player base, the not-very-good server connections, the flat and lifeless sound design, and the futility of trying to play a squad-based game when most people just want to go for kills—it makes it kind of hard to recommend Verdun on Xbox One.
Verdun disappoints in almost every area: technically unsatisfying and with frustrating gameplay, it will hardly manage to satisfy any multiplayer shooter lover.
If you want to destroy your good old WWII memories, Verdun is your choice. Poor artistic and technical graphics, countless technical problems, frustrating gameplay, server issues, boring and without any creativity.
Verdun is a very limited multiplayer shooter that has a great number of technical issues. The result, instead of being something satisfying and difficult to master, is a frustrating game whose graphics and animations take you out of the experience. However, 32 player mode is something that you should try.
Verdun is a perfect example of why PC games cannot just be copied to console without care and thought. Poor graphics, server connection issues, and terrible controller remapping hold this game back from being successful on console. In addition to being needlessly inaccessible, Verdun spoils the potentially interesting content it has to offer with crashes, lag, and disconnections.
December 17, 2018
Verdun adds the Senegalese Tirailleurs and a mode for 64 players. Watch video